
Real Clients, Real Situations, Real Results

"Dont stop dreaming and sharing it with me and the world"


I have been through a lot of things in my life, I found B4lyfe on I.G and I began to read the messages daily and apply it to my daily life. I began to change my way of thinking and the way I act ,I now look at lyfe in a different way, it has been so good for me now. PLEASE don't stop dreaming and sharing it with me and the world...THANK YOU, Your New Friend Bosslady

"B4Lyfe has changed my life in a mighty way."


"B4Lyfe has changed my life in a mighty way. It promotes genuine Love, positivity, strength and forward growth. These things are apart of my foundation and strengthened even more as I follow and support the B4Lyfe brand. I am truly grateful for B4Lyfe because it has helped me tap into the innocent thinking and lack of fear, and creative imagination that existed before life struggles hit and polluted it. B4Lyfe represents forever eternal growth for all! Ase'"

"Your page gave me the door to walk through and start my healing"

Mimi S.

Day 2 is worse then the day before... Walking away from a relationship you wanted to work breaks you.. I've had to ask the questions and also give myself the answers.....sitting in a dark space is how I usually deal...I was told closure sometimes comes from a stranger.. ...hopefully using your site to share my words...will give me the key to closing the door... I believe dreams do manifest into our reality.. when relationships fail we look into our mirrors asking why... and tears even fall because of the memories that were created... I still remember our last eye contact... when something falls / breaks the pain it causes is worse then the words had they just been shared.. that is what he left me with...my story is no worse then anyone else who has shared their stories on your site...I believe when you say the words ... IT BROKE... then it dies and some how you move forward... time doesn't heal... it gathers all the memories for storage.. these are the memories that come flooding in while your alone.. driving.. laying down to sleep... I believe my experiences with this man made my life special during that time.. though we will never speak again... I smile today because of what we gave to one another...being able to give an eviction notice to all the thoughts that are building in my head...B4Lyfe gave me the platform to share...and most of all move forward with God's help... your page saved me today...controlling outcomes are never ours to have...your page gave me the door to walk through and start my healing... Thank you!

"B4Lyfe is truly a Lyfesaver"

Kyra B.

"B4Lyfe is truly a Lyfesaver. I’ve had my share of struggles and B4Lyfe understood those struggles and they knew how to help. The mind is powerful and is unlimited in potential. B4Lyfe understood that by changing your mindset that you can live your lyfe to the fullest. By God’s grace, this brand came into my life at a time when I needed it most. B4Lyfe is more than just a brand... it’s a Lyfestyle."

"a security blanket to her in these trying times"

Annette F.

"B4Lyfe is a lifestyle brand that promotes acceptance , love and positivity. My daughter has benefited and values this brand as it is like a security blanket to her in these trying times. She wears the mask and sweat shirts daily and get compliments on its uniqueness. I’m proud to be a part of this brand and look forward to seeing the positive impact on the community!"

"Renewing Myself"


"I found your page when I was in the process of renewing myself. While trying to allow myself to let go of a situation that should of never taken place. I just thank God, your page and your brand that gave me the motivation that I needed."

Let us know your experience with B4Lyfe!